Multiple reflections can easily be achieved between two coaxially placed spherical mirrors, and a circular or elliptical spot pattern can be formed on the mirrors when the laser is incident at a specific angle42,43. The position and number of spots can be calculated from the ABCD matrix in the paraxial approximation, which can be used to construct a Herriott cell for spectroscopic detection. When the laser is incident at a wider angle, more reflections occur, and denser spot distributions are created on the mirrors. Compared with the Herriott cell, the MPC with dense spot patterns allows more reflections at short base lengths with good stability.
Because the conditions of the paraxial approximation are no longer satisfied when the laser is incident at a wide angle, Herriott’s theory cannot accurately calculate the reflection of the beams44–46. Using the law of reflection in the vector form enables accurate and fast ray tracing. In the coordinate system shown in Fig. 1, the incidence position is defined as (x0, y0), while z0 can be determined from the spherical coordinate equation. The angles of incidence are determined by θ and φ which are defined in Fig. 1. Accordingly, the direction vector can be obtained as (sin θ, sin φ, $ \sqrt{\text{1-}{\text{sin}}^{\text{2}}{\theta}\text{-}{\text{sin}}^{\text{2}}{\varphi}} $). Additionally, the distance d between the two mirrors and the radius of curvature R are key parameters.
Fig. 1 Schematic of the MPC parameter settings. d: distance between the centre of two mirrors, θ and φ: the angles of incidence.
The positional coordinates of the ith spot, Pi (xi, yi, zi), can be expressed using Eq. 1, in which $ \overrightarrow{{{v}}_{{0}{i}}} $ and di represent the direction vector and single optical path length (OPL) of the incident beam, respectively. According to the law of reflection in vector form, the direction vector of the reflected beam $ \overrightarrow{{{v}}_{{1}{i}}} $ is expressed by Eq. 2. $ \overrightarrow{{{n}}_{{i}}} $ denotes the unit normal vector, which can be obtained by Pi and the sphere centre coordinates Oi, as shown in Eq. 3. In the triangle formed by Pi-1, Pi and Oi, the expression for di can be easily obtained from the cosine theorem, as shown in Eq. 4.
$$ {{P}}_{{i}}={{P}}_{{i}{\text -}{1}}+{{d}}_{{i}}{\cdot}\overrightarrow{{{v}}_{{0}{i}}} $$ (1) $$ \overrightarrow{{{v}}_{{1}{i}}}=\overrightarrow{{{v}}_{{0}{i}}}-{2}\left(\overrightarrow{{{v}}_{{0}{i}}}{\cdot}\overrightarrow{{{n}}_{{i}}}\right){\cdot}\overrightarrow{{{n}}_{{i}}} $$ (2) $$ \overrightarrow{{{n}}_{{i}}}=\left({{O}}_{{i}}-{{P}}_{{i}}\right){/}{R} $$ (3) $$ {{d}}_{{i}}=\sqrt{{{R}}^{{2}}-{\left|\overrightarrow{{{P}}_{{i}{\text -}{1}}{{O}}_{{i}}}\right|}^{{2}}+{\left(\overrightarrow{{{P}}_{{i}{\text -}{1}}{{O}}_{{i}}}\cdot \overrightarrow{{{v}}_{{0}{i}}}\right)}^{{2}}}+\overrightarrow{{{P}}_{{i}{\text -}{1}}{{O}}_{{i}}}\cdot \overrightarrow{{{v}}_{{0}{i}}} $$ (4) During successive multiple reflections, the iteration of the direction vector satisfies the relationship shown in Eq. 5. The above theory can be used to calculate the positions of all spots, and the total OPL is equal to the sum of all the single OPLs.
$$ \overrightarrow{{{v}}_{{0}{i}}}=\overrightarrow{{{v}}_{{1}{i{\text -}1}}} $$ (5) The MPC with dense spot patterns can be designed by tuning the parameters (x0, y0), θ and φ, d and R, and adhering to certain constraints. Typically, spots on mirrors should not overlap to avoid optical interference. Furthermore, MPCs must have a high RLV to satisfy the requirements of the integrated designs.
A mathematical model was developed to determine suitable parameters. Several parallel lines uniformly distributed along the circumference and radial directions were used to simulate the parallel laser beams, which were traced separately according to the aforementioned theory. The ray tracing of multiple lines simulates spot deformation due to aberrations and facilitates accurate parameter selection. Although the incoming perforation can also serve as an outgoing perforation, exiting from the other side is more favourable for constructing the sensor system. When R was 100 mm and the diameters of the mirrors and perforations were 50.8 mm and 2 mm, respectively. The results of four spot patterns, including independent rings, four-concentric-circle, flower, and six-pointed star, were obtained. The parameters of the developed MPCs are listed in Table 1, where N and (xn, yn) denote the number of reflections and outgoing position of the beam, respectively.
(x0, y0) (mm) θ (°) φ (°) d (mm) N (xn, yn) (mm) OPL (m) RLV (cm−2) a (1.00, 18.10) 5.00 −8.11 142.30 236 (−15.43, −3.42) 33.5 11.9 b (−0.79, 20.43) 4.46 −7.85 137.78 274 (−9.95, −0.69) 37.7 13.8 c (2.42, 16.80) 5.66 −5.85 138.70 212 (−17.32, −2.96) 29.4 10.7 d (5.66, 16.17) 6.47 −7.40 104.94 166 (18.48, 5.26) 17.4 8.4 a: independent rings; b: four-concentric--circle; c: flower; d: six-pointed star Table 1. Parameters of MPCs with dense spot patterns.
The spot patterns simulated by the mathematical model are shown in Fig. 2a−d, which show the patterns on the exit mirrors. Similar spots are observed on the other side. The green circles represent the outgoing positions. The effective utilization area of the mirrors was much larger than the spot distribution of the individual rings in the Herriott cell. The optical systems were constructed using a visible laser, and photographs of the spot patterns are shown in Fig. 2e−h. Both the patterns and number of spots were matched between the simulations and measured results. Although some of the spots were unclear owing to multiple reflections, good agreement was observed between the shapes of the actual spots and those of the simulations.
A system based on direct absorption spectroscopy was constructed and used to verify the OPL of the developed MPCs. The experimental setup is shown in Fig. 3. The near-infrared (NIR) absorption line of CH4 located at 1650.96 nm (6057.08 cm−1) was selected. The operating temperature of the DFB diode laser was set to 35 °C, and it was tuned by a triangular wave with a frequency of 10 Hz. Two wedge-shaped mirrors were used as optical windows to prevent optical interference noise. After passing through the MPCs filled with a 400 ppm CH4:N2 mixture, the laser was focussed by a lens with a focal length of 75 mm and detected using a photodetector (PD). The OPLs of the MPCs were inverted by calculating their absorbance47–49.
Fig. 4 shows the CH4 absorbance curves measured at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. Fig. 4a−d correspond sequentially to the four MPCs presented in Table 1, and the raw signals are shown as insets. A Lorentz fit was performed on the measured signals, and the absorbance values at 6057.08 cm−1 were calculated as 0.631, 0.714, 0.553 and 0.323, respectively; the theoretical values obtained from the HITRAN database under the same conditions were 0.625, 0.707, 0.550 and 0.325, respectively. The actual calibrated OPLs of 33.8 m, 38.1 m, 29.6 m and 17.3 m, are close to the theoretical values, and the tiny errors arise from the baseline fitting, Lorentz fitting and environmental perturbations. The developed mathematical model provides an accurate reference for designing MPC with dense spot patterns.
The resonant frequency of the QTF determines the modulation frequency of the system. The measured resonant frequency curve of the QTF used in the laser excitation method is shown in Fig. 7. The measured signal was squared normalised and Lorentz fitted, and the center frequency (f0) was 9454.95 Hz with a response bandwidth (Δf) of 0.81 Hz. Using the equation $Q=f_0/\Delta f $, the Q-factor of the QTF was calculated to be 11673. The trapezoidal-tip QTF exhibits a narrower response bandwidth than commercial QTFs, resulting in a high Q-factor even at a low resonant frequency.
The modulation depth of the laser wavelength affected the signal amplitude of the LITES sensor. The 2f signal amplitude at the absorption line, monitored by sweeping the modulation depth, is shown in Fig. 8. The signal level first increases and then decreases, attaining a maximum value at a modulation current of 5.75 mA. This optimum value was used in the subsequent experiments.
The signals of the CH4-LITES sensor were investigated at different RFA output powers that were adjusted to be in the range of 100–350 mW. For the measurement, the integration time of the lock-in amplifier was set to 200 ms, and the order of the filter was fourth. The corresponding detection bandwidth of the system was 346.2 mHz. Fig. 9a shows the 2f peak values obtained at different optical powers, the inset shows the 2f curves. Fig. 9b shows the noise and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at different powers. The signal values and SNR were linearly fitted, and R-square for both curves reached 0.99, indicating that both the signal and SNR of the system were linearly related to the output power of the RFA. The SNR was maximised when the RFA output power was 350 mW. Therefore, the subsequent experiments were performed under these conditions.
Fig. 9 Optical power response of the CH4-LITES sensor. a 2f peak values at different optical powers. Inset: the 2f curves; b Noise and SNR at different powers.
To verify the CH4-LITES sensor performance based on absorption enhancement, the 2f signals at different concentrations were measured. The gas flow rates were controlled using two mass flow meters to obtain CH4 gas at different concentrations. The total flow rate was 240 mL/min. Fig. 10a, b show the 2f curves measured at different concentrations and a linear fit to the peak values, respectively. The concentrations of CH4 and the signal amplitudes exhibit an excellent linear relationship, with a fitted R-square of 0.99. At 400 ppm, the peak value of the 2f signal is 137.96 μV. The noise measured under a pure N2 background is shown in Fig. 10c. Its standard deviation of 111.07 nV was considered as the noise level of the system. Under these conditions, the minimum detection limit (MDL) of the system was 322 ppb. The normalized equivalent-noise absorption coefficient (NNEA) of the system was calculated as 9.01 × 10−9 cm−1·W·Hz−1/2 using the equation NNEA = αmin·P·Δf−1/2, where αmin, P, and Δf denote the minimum optical absorption coefficient, effective excitation power of the laser, and detection bandwidth, respectively. This value is comparable to the results of conventional LITES systems.
Fig. 10 Concentration response of the CH4-LITES sensor. a 2f curves measured at different concentrations; b Function relationship between different concentrations and the peak value of the 2f signals; c Noise level with a pure N2 background.
The Allan deviation was used to evaluate the long-term stability of the CH4-LITES sensor. The signal level of the system was continuously monitored for more than two hours under a pure N2 atmosphere. The Allan deviation of the system after data processing is shown in Fig. 11. When the average time was 100 s, the MDL of the system improved further to 59.5 ppb. Table 2 compares the performances of the reported CH4-LITES sensors. This study achieved the best detection performance in the NIR band, which surpassed the results obtained in the mid-infrared band.
Methods Wave band Wavenumber (cm−1) MDL (ppm) (@ averaging time) Univariate calibrating LITES 52 Mid-infrared 2988.78 0.65 (@ 10 s) S-G filtering LITES 53 Mid-infrared 4294.55 0.5 (@ 0.1 s) MOCAM-LITES 54 Near-infrared 6046.95 0.39 (@ 50 s) LITES21 Near-infrared 6046.95 ~1 (@ 35 s) This work Near-infrared 6057.08 0.059 (@ 100 s) S-G filter: Savitzky-Golay filter; MOCAM: modulation cancellation method. Table 2. Comparison of the detection limits of different CH4-LITES sensors.
Design of multipass cell with dense spot patterns and its performance in a light-induced thermoelastic spectroscopy-based methane sensor
- Light: Advanced Manufacturing , Article number: (2025)
- Received: 22 April 2024
- Revised: 30 September 2024
- Accepted: 08 October 2024 Published online: 17 January 2025
doi: https://doi.org/10.37188/lam.2025.001
Abstract: In this study, a ray tracing model based on the law of reflection in vector form was developed to obtain the design parameters of multipass cells (MPC) with dense spot patterns. Four MPCs with distinct patterns were obtained using an established mathematical model. An MPC with a four-concentric-circle pattern exhibited the longest optical path length (OPL) of approximately 38 m and an optimal ratio of optical path length to volume (RLV) of 13.8 cm-2. A light-induced thermoelastic spectroscopy (LITES)-based methane (CH4) sensor was constructed for the first time using the developed optimal MPC and Raman fiber amplifier (RFA). A novel trapezoidal-tip quartz tuning fork (QTF) was used as the detector to further improve the sensing performance. The CH4-LITES sensor exhibited an excellent linear response to optical power and CH4 concentration. The minimum detection limit (MDL) of the CH4-LITES sensor reached 322 ppb when the output optical power of the RFA was 350 mW. The Allan deviation of the system indicated that the MDL decreased to 59.5 ppb when the average time was increased to 100 s.
Research Summary
Absorption enhancement: Design of multipass cell with dense spot patterns and its performance in LITES-based sensor
Multipass cell (MPC) is a type of optical device used to increase the optical path length of gas absorption. It significantly increases the effective length of the laser-gas interaction in a small volume thereby enhancing the absorption signal. Yufei Ma and colleagues from Harbin Institute of Technology in China now report a mathematical model for MPC designing. Based on this model, they developed several MPCs with dense spot patterns and carried out sensor performance studies of them. A near-infrared methane LITES sensor based on a Raman fiber amplifier and a MPC with dense spot pattern was constructed, and excellent detection performance was achieved. This work is favorable to the development of high-sensitivity laser spectroscopy gas sensors, which is expected to bring new applications in areas such as industrial monitoring and fire warning.
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